Research News

Dr. Christian has proposed a macroscopic experiment that has the potential to transform our understanding of the relation between classical and quantum physics. It is published in these twin papers and is discussed here.

It takes only half a page of calculation within 3-sphere (published in 2011) to prove that Bell’s theorem is false!

Dr. Christian has published a new critique of Bell’s alleged “theorem” by demonstrating that it is as vacuous as von Neumann’s theorem against hidden variables. It assumes as one of its premises what it sets out to prove. His paper refutes all variants of Bell’s theorem, including the CH theorem, GHZ theorem, and Hardy theorem:

In the Appendix A of this paper, the Ehrenfest equation in quantum mechanics is shown to be equivalent to an ensemble average of classical equations of motion over the probability distribution of hidden variables. Similar epistemic explanations of Born’s rule and Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations are also exhibited in its Section II.

Comment on GHZ

These are the slides of Dr. Christian‘s invited talk at a conference in honour of Prof. David Hestenes, who is the creator of Geometric Algebra. The detailed program of the conference, AGACSE 2021, can be found at this URL.

The paper based on the talk (to appear in the proceedings of the above conference) can be found at this URL

Dr. Christian has published two new papers on his local-realistic explanation of the quantum correlations:

Dr. Christian has published a new paper on the arXiv constructing an “octonion-like” normed division algebra:

The main results of this “octonion-like” paper are published also in Section 2.8 of this Royal Society paper:

A sociological commentary by Dr. Christian on the reception of this paper can be found at this PubPeer link.

Dr. Christian has published a new critique of Bell’s “theorem” by comparing it with von Neumann’s theorem:

This critique proves that Bell’s theorem is based on the same mistake von Neumann’s theorem is based on.

A summary of the above refutation of Bell’s theorem is published in Section 2.4 of this Royal Society paper:

Section 2.4 of this paper explains why Bell’s theorem is a fundamentally flawed argument and why its claim of impossibility of Einstein’s local realism is not correct. Section 2.8 of the paper consolidates a new associative normed division algebra in eight dimensions despite Hurwitz’s theorem. The rest of the paper is a compilation of elementary mathematical mistakes in the papers by a statistician called Richard D. Gill of Leiden University.

Dr. Christian has published a new pedagogical paper explaining the classical origins of quantum correlations:


It can be verified by a macroscopic experiment testing the hypothesis that we live in a quaternionic 3-sphere.

IEEE has published a new paper by Dr. Christian on his local-realistic 3-sphere model for the EPR-B correlation.

Dr. Christian has published a new paper proving a general theorem which explains the geometrical origins and strengths of quantum correlations in terms of Euclidean primitives such as points, lines, planes, and volumes.


See also:

Dr. Christian has published a yet another devastating critique of Bell’s supposed “theorems” of 1964 and 1971:

The critique is published as the section 4 of this paper. He has also posted an open challenge to Bell’s theorem.

Dr. Christian has published a new paper on his local-realistic 3-sphere model for the EPR-B correlation, entitled “Local Causality in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Spacetime.” This paper is a significant contribution by Dr. Christian because it reproduces all thirteen EPR-Bohm probabilities predicted by quantum mechanics exactly!!!

In this paper, Dr. Christian has proposed a macroscopic experiment to verify the relevance of Bell’s theorem.

Dr. Christian has published a simplified local-realistic derivation of the EPR-Bohm correlation within a 3-sphere. Somewhat more detailed version of the simplified derivation can be found at his research page.

Building on the original numerical simulations by Albert Jan Wonnink, Fred Diether has produced a numerical simulation that verifies Dr. Christian’s analytical derivation of the EPR-Bohm correlation in these three papers exactly! The simulation is posted and discussed at his forum. The corresponding event-by-event simulations of Dr. Christian’s 3-sphere model for the EPR-Bohm correlation can be found at RPubs (see, especially, this one ).


Numerical computer simulations of Dr. Christian’s 3-sphere model for the EPR-Bohm correlations:


It takes only half a page of calculation (shown below, published in 2011) to prove that Bell’s theorem is false!